Eureko - stylová střešní krytina; kvalitní česká střecha
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As the name suggests, the father of this Czech patent is Mr. Josef Drdlík from the Hlinsko region in the Czech Republic, who used his previous knowledge of the production and laying of classic wooden shingles for the development and construction of plastic shingles. In cooperation with REGRA PLAST spol. s ro then created a credible replica, along with accessories for the gutter, corner and ridge of the roof.

The EUREKO - DDS product is a faithful copy of a classic chipped wood shingles. It has been specially developed as a roofing and cladding with versatile use. Therefore, it is suitable not only for covering the roofs of family houses, cottages, cottages, but also for tiling the walls of these buildings during their additional insulation, covering and tiling various garden accessories, parasols, making plinth tiles during additional insulation of buildings, etc.


Thanks to the DDU and DDN accessories, the most diverse shapes can be covered and tiled.
The advantage of plastic shingles is especially its long service life without the need for maintenance, weight, non-absorbency and impermeability.
Resistant to sun, rain, frost, sudden temperature changes, mosses, lichens and alkaline substances.

DDS II_edited.png

Basic template DDS II

  • Size: 51 x 12 cm

  • Thickness: 18 mm

  • Consumption: 20 pcs/m2

  • Weight: 8 kg/m2

  • Minimum slope: 25°

DDH II.png

Hrebenáč DDH II

  • Length: 12 cm

  • Thickness: 18 mm

  • Consumption: approx. 8.4 pcs/bm

DDU II úžlabí.png

Grooves DDU II

  •  Length: 66.6 cm

  •  Thickness: 18 mm

  •  Consumption: approx. 30 pcs/bm

DDN II nároží.png

Hrebenáč DDH II

  •  Length: 66.6 cm

  •  Thickness: 18 mm

  •  Consumption: approx. 30 pcs/bm

Návrhář střech - vizualizace Vaší střechy 


Chcete vidět, jak by vypadal Váš dům, garáž, chata nebo pergola s jednou ze střešních krytin EUREKO? Díky Návrháři střech si to můžete vyzkoušet!

V nabídce (plastové krytiny) jsou všechny naše krytiny – DDS II, CPS, MODERNA i GREEN.
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